How a great idea

became a great place.

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About The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Dove Mountain.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Dove Mountain was the dream of famed Tucson developer David Mehl, pictured. Contact us to learn more about real estate in Dove Mountain.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Dove Mountain was the dream of famed Tucson developer David Mehl, whose track record includes other well-known, large-scale developments like the La Paloma country club and master-planned community in the north-central foothills of Tucson.

Mehl’s vision for a place above (both figuratively and literally) anything else available in Greater Tucson led to his acquiring over 6,200 acres of prime Sonoran Desert property in the beautiful Tortolita Foothills. Today, there are over 4,500 homes in the entire Dove Mountain area, of which The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Dove Mountain represents the pinnacle. The Residences achieved what it was designed to become, a refinement of luxury Arizona desert living.

David Mehl, meet Ray Sidney.

Ray Sidney, an eminent mathematician and engineer, partnered with David Mehl in developing the luxury homes at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Dove Mountain.

The Residences debuted right as the Great Recession took hold, timing that might be described as “unfortunate.” However, its fortunes were secured by its fundamental virtues and the solid ownership and development partnership of David Mehl and Ray Sidney.

Sidney, an eminent mathematician and engineer (Harvard AB, MIT PhD, and UC Berkeley MBA), was a Google pioneer – as the second engineer hired by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, his arrival increased the startup’s workforce to five people. Now an entrepreneur and investor, Sidney has a fondness for distinctive and meritorious real estate projects – those exhibiting sound concept, design, and execution, and a regard for the environment. He saw what Mehl had begun and wanted to be a part of the success of The Residences. Thus was formed Dove Mountain Investors, LLC, which owns, develops, and markets the community with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC, as manager.

The result of all of this is one of the most remarkable all-around partnerships in the real estate industry – one which melds award-winning design and development talent together with exceptional financial management and capital expertise and one of the world’s great global hospitality companies.

It’s an organization that holds up to scrutiny.

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